The DVSA Part Two Test The DVSA Part Three Test
Trainee Licence (Pink Badge) Option
There are mixed opinions over the PDI ‘Pink’ Badge. It has always been made clear by the DVSA that it is designed for learning not earning.… Read full article
The DVSA Process Step Two DVSA Part 2 Test
Part 1
PDIs and Learners often make the same mistake. They focus on passing the theory test, not learning AND understanding the content. Keep in mind that this is going to be your job!… Read full article
The DVSA Process Step One DVSA Part 1 Test
Step 2 – You must get a DBS check (formerly CRB), even if you already have one for another role or organisation.
You will need the following information:
– The organisation PIN of ‘105205’
– The ‘secret word’ which is ‘axis’
– The organisation name of ‘DVSA-PDI (PO)’
Step 3 – Find a Trainer – DO YOUR HOMEWORK
DVSA recommend using an ORDIT registered trainer – This provides you with some limited security and comes back through the DVSA complaints procedure.… Read full article
The following is a combination of the DVSA official guide and some additional guidance. (We recommend checking the DVSA guide for the latest changes):
Introduction DVSA Process Step Two
Step 1: Check that you qualify
To qualify you must be:
Becoming a driving instructor is amazing. It takes a certain set of skills – some you can learn, some you will already have, but all that you will grow and improve – and is not an easy process. The completion rate isn’t high, and the ‘sticking rate’ isn’t either.… Read full article
Developing Driver Control
It’s a dog’s life behind the wheel
Following an emotive workshop with Kent & Medway Road Safety Partnership I was searching for some inspiration on how to reduce UK KSI (Killed and Seriously Injured) statistics in 17-24-year-olds.… Read full article
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