The Road to Becoming a DVSA Approved Driving Instructor UK

The Part Three Test On Passing

This is designed to be an overview by Chris Bensted, DITC and ORDIT Trainer. There are many approaches and plenty of sources for advice. However, Chris is a big fan of 2 things:

  1. Keeping things simple.
  2. Knowing what is required to succeed.

Over to Chris:

Before we start, print a copy of the Part 3 assessment form (ADI26) and rewrite it in your own words as we go through.

Lets begin…

As you will see, the assessment sheet is not specifically about a driving lesson. It is about:

  • Goal setting
  • Responsibility
  • Safety
  • Learning
  • Reflection

In fact, the DVSA is looking for three things – Is there a relevant point? Is it safe? Is learning taking place? Achieve these and you are likely to be successful.

We also have to acknowledge the obvious move towards ‘Client Centred Learning’ (CCL) and ‘Coaching’ (Facilitating rather than directing learning).

First step! Get a big black marker and cross out the ‘Information’ box, noting the ORDIT and Logbook questions and that you can ask your trainer to sit in on the test (Though not under COVID rules).

Second step! Use the same big black marker to cross out the ‘Lesson’ and ‘Lesson theme’ boxes. You do your thing, and let the examiner decide what is being taught.

Personal note: I get occasionally get criticised because I can’t quote the phrasing used on the ADI26 or remember what ‘Competency 16’ is without checking. There is nothing wrong with someone knowing these by heart, but do not confuse someones ability to read and recite the information with understanding.

In the same way, it is not enough for the person taking the test to read and recite the competencies. Make sure that you UNDERSTAND them. The journey from ‘Knowledge’ to ‘Understanding’ is where the learning takes place.

Now we have the 3 sections that are relevant to you, the 17 competencies:



The Risk Management/Job Share section is important as it makes up a minimum requirement for a pass. Achieve 7 or less and it becomes a fail. Equally, if an examiner believes your behaviour is causing a danger they may step in and record an immediate fail.



Now take a moment to look at how many of these competencies can be linked and affect each other. If they are not in a suitable area this could restrict learning, or more importantly impact safety.


Each competency is marked:

  • 0 – No evidence
  • 1 – Demonstrated in a few elements
  • 2 – Demonstrated in most elements
  • 3 – Demonstrated in all elements

The total of these resulting score gives you your outcome:

0 – 30 – Unsatisfactory performance – Fail

31 – 42 – Sufficient competence demonstrated to permit entry to the Register of Approved Driving Instructors – Grade B

43 – 51 – A high overall standard of instruction demonstrated – Grade A

It is worth noting that the result of your Part 3 is NOT your Grade. You do not receive a recognised grade until your first Standards Check which is likely to be around 6 months after you qualify.


Take time to reflect on your lessons against the marking criteria. I genuinely believe that the Part 3/Standards Check form is an excellent assessment tool. It identifies key learning criteria – a good lesson.

What it doesn’t identify is a great lesson, That is down to you and your pupils!

The Part Three Test On Passing

Posted by Chris Bensted

April 10, 2021