The DVSA Part Two Test The DVSA Part Three Test
Trainee Licence (Pink Badge) Option
There are mixed opinions over the PDI ‘Pink’ Badge. It has always been made clear by the DVSA that it is designed for learning not earning. However due to the costs of training and operating, plus the opportunity to work, and earn money, it too often gets misused. The current Part 3 test requires you to provide a pupil to teach. This benefits from having had experience of live subjects to train.
You can do this without a trainee licence, but you must not charge money or monies worth. You will still need to make sure that you/the learner are adequately insured for ‘paid for tuition’ even though you aren’t being paid.
Every PDI is in a different situation and needs to consider their own needs. Time, finances and experience are all part of that decision. If used correctly the trainee licence can be an excellent tool in your journey to becoming an ADI. Giving you the ability to cover the costs training and the vehicle, as well as your time. As part of the badge you must get the required amount of supervision or extra training while your licence is still valid.
The only restrictions for PDIs are:
- They cannot advertise themselves. Work should only be done from your training school (sponsor). A PDI can not advertise independently. (See below)
- Only ADIs are allowed to accompany Provisional licence holders on Motorways, this must be in a dual controlled vehicle.
PDI advertising – In our eyes, the DVSA have been very clear on this. A pink badge is sponsored by an ADI, and any bookings the PDI receives should be coming through that channel – be it a school or an individual. The PDI must not be promoting themselves.
This is reflected by BSMs ‘Your Local Instructor’ on the side of their PDI cars, and has been explained by the current registrar quite clearly. However, there are still others that interpret it differently. This includes PDIs having Facebook pages, Websites, and even operating and advertising under the brand they plan to use once they qualify. The defence seems to be down to interpretation and the lack of action taken by the DVSA. After investing so much time, money and effort in qualifying it would be a shame to be prevented from achieving your goal based on ‘fit and proper’ concerns.
Posted by Chris Bensted
April 10, 2021