From NASP “On 13th August NASP wrote to DVSA with questions received from members concerning prioritising standards checks. The answers from DVSA received on August 18th are given below.
There is also a specimen ADI driver test analysis report as an example for you to view, here.
We understand that more information will soon be available on the Gov website.
DVSA Q&A – prioritising standards checks
The following questions were received from the National Associations Strategic Partnership (NASP) on Friday 13th August 2021. The following answers were compiled by DVSA and are correct at time of publishing on Wednesday 18 August 2021.
Q1 When is this going to start and these changes take effect from?
From Monday 16 August 2021. Over the next few weeks we will be contacting ADIs to offer an Engagement Call if they have a standards checks booked from 18th October onwards
Q2 What data is being used and where is the data derived from?
Data is captured from the test reports of pupils presented for test. The programme looks at pass rates as well as driver faults, serious faults and examiners taking action.
Where the ADI pass rate is below average, or faults above average, in 3 or 4
parameters the ADI will be prioritised for a Standards Check. It should also be noted that the tool enables us to compare ADIs within a geographical area, so that when it comes to pass rate, we can compare against ADIs who are teaching in the same area for an accurate local comparison.
Q3 Can this data be trusted?
The introduction of test reports being marked electronically has greatly reduced data errors, for example as result of the scanner misinterpreting examiners’ handwriting.
Q4 What is a TIP?
The TIP – Test Information Programme – is a computer programme we have
developed that looks at data from category B tests over a 12 month rolling period.
Q5 If an ADI doesn’t do many tests, how will it affect them? If an ADI presents pupils for fewer than five tests in a rolling 12 month period, they can expect to be invited for standards check at least once in their four-yearregistration period, as now.
Q6 What does build back better mean?
The government published its plan to build back better in March 2021.
Building back better is about supporting economic growth through significant investment in infrastructure, skills and innovation. It’s also about levelling up the whole of the UK, supporting the transition to net zero, and supporting the vision for Global Britain.
Q7 Does this apply to all nations?
It is applicable to all areas covered by DVSA, ie, England, Scotland and Wales
Q8 How will an ADI’s risk rating/score/PIP be affected by different test centre results for the same ADI?
The data is from a 12 month rolling period and includes the data for all tests presented by the ADI. It should also be noted that the tool enables us to compare ADIs within a geographical area, so that when it comes to pass rate, we can compare against ADIs who are teaching in the same area for an accurate local comparison. A candidate should be able to safely drive on any road (urban or rural), night/day and in a range of weather conditions regardless of where they were trained or the location of the Driving Test Centre.
Q9 What if the ADI doesn’t put their badge in the window?
We use local knowledge to identify ADIs who consistently or strategically remove their ADI certificate for test. However to help us support ADIs and identify further support and guidance available to improve their and their pupils performance we would encourage them to display their ADI badge (certificate) in the window during tests.
Q10 What if I am judged to be a high performing ADI and not needing to be seen as regularly, I would like a regular SC as it gives me great feedback (and I consider this is what am due as part of my fee). What feedback on performance will I expect in future instead?
We are looking to introduce engagement calls to higher performing ADIs, although I’m sure you appreciate that at present our resources are focussed on raising the standards of those who need the most support. As now, you can request a standards check by emailing and providing a reason why you need one.
Q11 Will you consider trainers who specialise in specific education needs pupils? Sometimes these trainers do less tests as well – will all this affect my rating?
Pupils with specific education needs may take longer to learn and that this could be reflected in the overall number of candidates presented for test. The TIP is an indicator tool, highlighting where we should prioritise standards checks, specialist ADIs or ones with fewer tests are not highlighted unless the outputs from their tuition results in very low driving test pass rates from the pupils they present.
Q12 If an ADI works predominantly in Fleet/Older Driver/other categories of licence and vehicle but still needs an ADI badge, how will my score be worked out?
In this scenario the individual will be presenting very few tests. If an ADI presents pupils for fewer than five tests in a rolling 12 month period, they can expect to be invited for standards check at least once in their four-year registration period, as now.
Q13 Will rider trainers SC’s be done on this same basis?
No, rider standards checks will not be carried out on the same basis. The standards checks rider trainers undergo focus on CBT, these will continue to be used to assess the trainer’s competence to provide instruction. Approved Training Bodies already undergo risk-based compliance checks which look at a broad range of data and information. The pass rate on motorcycle tests is over 70%, this much higher than on car tests.
Q14 Aren’t there many factors that cause a candidate to fail a test? It seems unfair to totally attach the candidates result to us as an ADI we are only a part of what happens?
There are many factors that may affect individual candidate performance, including nerves. The programme looks at data for all of the tests presented by an ADI in a 12-month rolling period, generating a broad and averaged score. Prioritisation is based on four factors, so one single incident is highly unlikely to have an impact on the overall picture.
Q15 What exactly is an engagement call? Do we have to do one and will we be penalised if we don’t?
An ADI examiner will call the ADI about 8 weeks prior to their standard check appointment. They will explain the details in the ADI’s driver test analysis report,’ which they will receive before the call. The call is voluntary and can be included as CPD, it is an opportunity to have a reflective conversation and includes links to useful information. The Engagement call was developed with the support of NASP and a group of ORDIT trainers.
Q16 Will current arrangements of 45 minute Standards Checks continue, or will they return to 1 hour?
At this moment in time, we will continue with 45 minute slots. There has been no discernible change in the pass rate and it allows the examiner flexibility in the timing of tests. We will discuss future arrangements with NASP on 6th September.”
Posted by Chris Bensted
August 21, 2021