Bank transfers will always be a strong option for taking payments; however, cards are being used more and more as a way to pay for goods and services of all sizes and values. The development of systems like Apple Pay and Google Pay meaning that you can now pay up to £10,000 on your phone increasing the number of transactions that are going cashless.
Offering a card payment facility has a number of benefits. If a customer wants to pay via card they can, while it may not be your preference it may secure the deal. From the customer perspective, there are benefits to card payment including cash-back, reward points and credit protection. The protection provides peace of mind and offering this may add to your credibility.
To help you understand how to take card payments we have developed the following FAQs as well as a list of some of the systems and services you can use.
All of the information below is correct at the time of writing and is designed for guidance only.
The following list shows providers who offer mobile card readers. By clicking on one of the links you may be able to get a discount and we may receive a fee as well.
This is the card reader that we use. They have low monthly fees and pay into your account in 2-3 days. Check out their website for more details.
Paypal used to offer their own card reader but have now bought iZettle and relaunched their services under the Zettle brand.
iZettle had a range of readers available but were bought out by PayPal in 2018 so check out the PayPal listing.
It is also worth investigating the other options available inside the apps. The ability to issue receipts, sell additional products and even send invoices. There may be additional charges so read the small print, but there are some real hidden gems in there for the tech savvy.
An alternative to these payment options could be to take advantage of driving instructor gift vouchers available from https://drivinglessonvouchers.com/about-us/ these are paid to you in full with no charge or can be branded for a 1% fee. These are one of many industry related products available from NDP where you can also earn affiliate fees or access support tools for your pupils from well known ADIs such as Diane Hall and Rich Rawden.
Posted by Ian
March 12, 2021